Tag: Ketchup

Vegan Napolitan Dog

Vegan Napolitan Dog

[ヴィーガンナポリタンドッグ] Vegan Napolitan Dog is a Japanese style hot dog made with the Japanese ketchup pasta dish called Spaghetti Napolitan. It’s a hidden Japanese food discovery that you may never knew existed! What is Napolitan Dog? If you checked out my vegan spaghetti Napolitan [スパゲッティナポリタン], read more

Vegan Spaghetti Napolitan

Vegan Spaghetti Napolitan

[ヴィーガンスパゲッティナポリタン] Vegan Spaghetti Napolitan is a vegan friendly-version of a popular Japanese pasta dish, spaghetti napolitan. This nostalgic & comforting dish is very easy to make and super flavorful! What’s Spaghetti Napolitan? Believe it or not, spaghetti napolitan [スパゲッティナポリタン] is a Japanese dish! it’s basically read more

Japanese Curry Flavored Tofu Rice Roll

Japanese Curry Flavored Tofu Rice Roll

[カレー炒り豆腐とご飯のベジート巻き] Here is another fun idea for you to enjoy rice! Japanese Curry Flavored Tofu Rice Roll is a bite size rice roll. It’s not sushi because the rice isn’t seasoned with vinegar. The concept is somewhat similar to the Japanese rice balls, Onigiri, but it’s read more