Tag: Yellow Onion

Vegan Napolitan Dog

Vegan Napolitan Dog

[ヴィーガンナポリタンドッグ] Vegan Napolitan Dog is a Japanese style hot dog made with the Japanese ketchup pasta dish called Spaghetti Napolitan. It’s a hidden Japanese food discovery that you may never knew existed! What is Napolitan Dog? If you checked out my vegan spaghetti Napolitan [スパゲッティナポリタン], read more

Vegan Garlic Fried Rice

Vegan Garlic Fried Rice

[母の味ヴィーガンガーリックライス] When you have any leftover rice, it’s a perfect time to make fried rice like my Vegan Garlic Fried Rice which is inspired by my mom’s cooking that I ate a million times. It’s super quick to make but you won’t believe how flavorful read more