Tamari (Tamari Shoyu)

Tamari (Tamari Shoyu)

You may already have Tamari (Tamari Shoyu) in your vegan pantry which is a popular gluten-free soy sauce as an alternative to conventional soy sauce. There are a couple of different types of soy sauce you may want to have in your vegan pantry such read more

Light Soy Sauce (Usukuchi Shoyu)

Light Soy Sauce (Usukuchi Shoyu)

There are a couple of different types of soy sauce you may want to have in your vegan Japanese pantry and Light Soy Sauce (Usukuchi Shoyu) is one of them. It’s serves a different purpose than the regular soy sauce.   What’s Light Soy Sauce? read more

Soy Sauce (Shoyu)

Soy Sauce (Shoyu)

If you have to pick one of the most used Japanese condiments or seasonings that’s naturally vegan, it definitely is Soy Sauce known as Shoyu. There are a couple of different types of soy sauce you may want to have in your vegan Japanese pantry read more

Vegan Tomato Miso Shimeji Pasta

Vegan Tomato Miso Shimeji Pasta

[ヴィーガンしめじ入りトマト味噌ソースパスタ] Vegan Tomato Miso Shimeji Pasta is a vegan Japanese fusion pasta dish that has Japanese shimeji mushrooms and the spicy tomato sauce made with miso as a secret ingredient. It’s definitely not a typical tomato sauce pasta but totally worth trying to experience the read more

Vegan Udon Noodle Soup

Vegan Udon Noodle Soup

[ヴィーガン温うどん] A warm bowl of Vegan Udon Noodle Soup is a vegan version of the traditional Japanese comfort food that’s prepared authentically minus the use of bonito flakes and/or high fructose corn syrup and other additives. This kombu dashi based vegan udon noodle soup tastes read more

Vegan Udon Tsuyu Broth

Vegan Udon Tsuyu Broth

[ヴィーガン温うどん用つゆ] Vegan Udon Tsuyu Broth is a kombu dashi based vegan alternative to traditional udon noodle broth for making Japanese udon noodle soup. It’s 100% vegan, umami-rich kombu (kelp) dashi based, savory & light, with no high fructose corn syrup and/or any other unwanted additives. read more

Vegan Soba Noodle Soup

Vegan Soba Noodle Soup

[ヴィーガン温そば] A warm bowl of Vegan Soba Noodle Soup is a vegan version of the traditional Japanese comfort food that’s prepared authentically minus the use of bonito flakes and/or high fructose corn syrup and other additives. This kombu dashi based vegan soba noodle soup tastes read more

Vegan Soba Tsuyu Broth

Vegan Soba Tsuyu Broth

[ヴィーガン温そば用つゆ] Vegan Soba Tsuyu Broth is a kombu dashi based vegan alternative to traditional soba noodle broth for making Japanese soba noodle soup. It’s 100% vegan, umami-rich kombu (kelp) dashi based, sweet & savory, with no high fructose corn syrup and/or any other unwanted additives. read more

Shimeji Mushrooms

Shimeji Mushrooms

Shimeji Mushrooms are a very versatile popular mushroom that often appear in Japanese family-style home cooked meals. You can make from side dishes to main dishes, from authentic Japanese dishes to Japanese fusion dishes. If you’ve only tried shiitake to incorporate into your Japanese recipes, read more

Vegan Shimeji Mushroom Miso Soup

Vegan Shimeji Mushroom Miso Soup

[ヴィーガンしめじのお味噌汁] Vegan Shimeji Mushroom Miso Soup is a perfect way to appreciate the umami-rich taste of shimeji mushrooms in savory Japanese miso soup. In fact, shimeji miso soup is one of a popular miso soups in Japan especially in the Fall. It’s impressive how much read more