Tag: Green Bell Pepper

Vegan Napolitan Dog

Vegan Napolitan Dog

[ヴィーガンナポリタンドッグ] Vegan Napolitan Dog is a Japanese style hot dog made with the Japanese ketchup pasta dish called Spaghetti Napolitan. It’s a hidden Japanese food discovery that you may never knew existed! What is Napolitan Dog? If you checked out my vegan spaghetti Napolitan [スパゲッティナポリタン], read more

Vegan Spaghetti Napolitan

Vegan Spaghetti Napolitan

[ヴィーガンスパゲッティナポリタン] Vegan Spaghetti Napolitan is a vegan friendly-version of a popular Japanese pasta dish, spaghetti napolitan. This nostalgic & comforting dish is very easy to make and super flavorful! What’s Spaghetti Napolitan? Believe it or not, spaghetti napolitan [スパゲッティナポリタン] is a Japanese dish! it’s basically read more

Chipotle Spiced Tofu Scramble

Chipotle Spiced Tofu Scramble

[スパイシーチポレ豆腐スクランブル] Tofu scramble is definitely a staple for many vegans. My Chipotle Spiced Tofu Scramble recipe is my equivalent to the standard tofu scramble. It’s classic yet has a little kick that once you taste it you will want to make it again! Tofu Scramble read more

Vegan Yaki Udon (Japanese Stir-Fried Udon Noodles)

Vegan Yaki Udon (Japanese Stir-Fried Udon Noodles)

[ヴィーガン焼うどん] Vegan Yaki Udon is soy sauce flavored Japanese stir-fried udon noodles made with veggies and topped with unique Japanese condiments, beni shoga and aonori. This vegan arrangement of yaki udon is very forgiving and easy to make. What is Yaki Udon? Yaki udon is read more