Tag: Avocado

Angel Hair Pasta with Lemon Shio Koji Dressing, Avocado and Tomato

Angel Hair Pasta with Lemon Shio Koji Dressing, Avocado and Tomato

[アボカドとトマトの塩麹ドレッシング和え冷製パスタ] Have you tried Japanese fusion pasta dishes? This cold pasta dish is one of my go-to Japanese fusion flavor arrangements. Angel Hair Pasta with Lemon Shio Koji Dressing, Avocado and Tomato is made with one my favorite Japanese ingredients, shio koji (salted rice malt.) read more

Asian Style Scallion & Cucumber Avocado Toast

Asian Style Scallion & Cucumber Avocado Toast

[ピリ辛香味ねぎと胡瓜のアボカドトースト] Avocado toast, to me, is like an open canvas that I can decorate & flavor in any way I like! Asian Style Scallion & Cucumber Avocado Toast is definitely not an ordinary avocado toast that you may think of. The flavor of scallions with read more

Grapefruit & Avocado Chirashi Sushi

Grapefruit & Avocado Chirashi Sushi

[グレープフルーツとアボカドのちらし寿司] I love incorporating citrus fruit in savory dishes. My Grapefruit & Avocado Chirashi Sushi is a modern take on traditional Japanese sushi. It’s savory, citrusy, slightly sweet and refreshing. I can guarantee this will be your next favorite sushi. It’s vegan, gluten-free (if using read more

Wasabi & Truffle Oil Avocado Toast

Wasabi & Truffle Oil Avocado Toast

[わさびとトリュフオイルのアボカドトースト] Are you tired of eating the same-flavored avocado toast? Try my Wasabi & Truffle Oil Avocado Toast. It’s Japanese & Italian fusion using the combination of wasabi, soy sauce, and truffle oil. What’s not to like? It’s definitely worth trying to break your habits read more

Avocado & Natto Sushi-Don

Avocado & Natto Sushi-Don

[アボカドと納豆寿司丼] This is probably one of the easiest and simplest vegan sushi dishes that I make often. My vegan Avocado & Natto Sushi-Don is healthy and delicious. No rolling or special techniques required to make. All you have to do is prepare delicious sumeshi (vinegared read more