Chipotle Spiced Tofu Scramble

Chipotle Spiced Tofu Scramble

[スパイシーチポレ豆腐スクランブル] Tofu scramble is definitely a staple for many vegans. My Chipotle Spiced Tofu Scramble recipe is my equivalent to the standard tofu scramble. It’s classic yet has a little kick that once you taste it you will want to make it again! Tofu Scramble read more

Vegan Bibim Men (Korean Style Cold Mixed Noodles)

Vegan Bibim Men (Korean Style Cold Mixed Noodles)

[韓国風ヴィーガンビビン麺] Vegan Bibim Men (Korean Style Cold Mixed Noodles) is a Japanese interpretation of the traditional Korean cold noodle dish bibim guksu. This delicious vegan bibim men has an irresistible sauce that’s spicy, savory, tangy, sweet and garlicky. It’s easy to prepare that you’d want read more

Hummus with Natto & Spicy Yuzu Sauce

Hummus with Natto & Spicy Yuzu Sauce

[柚子胡椒風味の納豆添えフムス] Are you looking for a very different way to enjoy hummus that you wouldn’t find anywhere else? I got you covered for that! My Hummus with Natto & Spicy Yuzu Sauce is a very innovative Japanese fusion hummus recipe. It’s topped probiotic rich natto read more

Cumin Miso Sauce Baked Tofu with Cilantro & Scallions

Cumin Miso Sauce Baked Tofu with Cilantro & Scallions

[クミン味噌風味豆腐: パクチーと葱添え] This is a vegan Japanese & Southeast Asian fusion dish that I created for tofu, miso and cilantro lovers! My Cumin Miso Sauce Baked Tofu with Cilantro & Scallions is a perfect side dish to complement your choice of grains. It has a read more

Avocado & Natto Sushi-Don

Avocado & Natto Sushi-Don

[アボカドと納豆寿司丼] This is probably one of the easiest and simplest vegan sushi dishes that I make often. My vegan Avocado & Natto Sushi-Don is healthy and delicious. No rolling or special techniques required to make. All you have to do is prepare delicious sumeshi (vinegared read more

Kimbap (Korean Seaweed Rice Roll)

Kimbap (Korean Seaweed Rice Roll)

[キンパ:韓国海苔巻き] Kimbap is Korean seaweed rice roll and this is actually one of my favorite things to eat! My recipe is 100% vegan and it’s really fun to make right in your kitchen. I make this very often but never had an actual recipe until read more

Hummus with Fresh Veggies & Toasted Walnuts

Hummus with Fresh Veggies & Toasted Walnuts

[新鮮野菜と炒りクルミをのせたフムス] Whether you’re vegan or not, hummus is something that everyone loves! My Hummus with Fresh Veggies & Toasted Walnuts is intended to be a healthy but satisfying main dish (or snack if you will.) It’s topped with fresh raw veggies with aromatic toasted walnuts! read more

Japanese Mabo Harusame

Japanese Mabo Harusame

[ソイミートのヴィーガン麻婆春雨] This is one of my favorite Japanese home cooked meals! My vegan Japanese Mabo Harusame is savory and spicy stir-fried glass noodles made with soy meat (TVP.) It’s a perfect accompaniment for a bowl of rice! What is Mabo Harusame? Have you had the read more

Korean Style Savory Potato Pancakes

Korean Style Savory Potato Pancakes

My kind of breakfast is always savory rather then sweet ones. My vegan Korean Style Savory Potato Pancakes are perfect for satisfying my savory cravings in the mornings! I can eat this by itself just like how you’d eat American pancakes. Otherwise, my favorite way read more

King Oyster Mushroom “Fish” Nigiri Sushi

King Oyster Mushroom “Fish” Nigiri Sushi

[エリンギのお魚風にぎり寿司] My King Oyster Mushroom “Fish” Nigiri Sushi is one of my favorite sushi I’ve ever made and the best of all, vegan sushi never looked so real! King oyster mushroom is cooked to perfection for the “fish” look and the satisfying texture. This vegan read more